[spielfrieks] 1998 Retrospective - Results
huzonfirst@comcast.net [spielfrieks]
2018-08-17 17:46:45 UTC
Okay, that's a wrap!

44 people voted for our 20-year-old retrospective and the results were pretty much the same, with one fairly predictable exception. Originally, the three winners, Through the Desert, Elfenland, and Samurai, were far ahead of the other games. The same happened this time around, except that they were joined by a fourth game, Tichu. As I mentioned, Tichu didn't really take off, particularly in the English-speaking world, until its '98 re-release. But it still took a while for it to attain the huge level of popularity it has today. So I'm not surprised it did much better in this vote than it did when we originally voted back in 2001.

So here's the top 10, together with the vote totals and each game's original rank in parentheses (where n/a means it wasn't on the ballot back then):

1. Elfenland - 18 (2)
1. Through the Desert - 18 (1)
1. Tichu - 18 (8)
4. Samurai - 15 (3)
5. Mamma Mia! - 7 (n/a)
6. Mystery Rummy 1: Jack the Ripper - 6 (4)
6. Schnappchen-Jagd - 6 (11)
8. Circus Flohcati - 5 (21)
9. Cosmic Eidex - 4 (n/a)
9. Medieval Merchant - 4 (4)
9. TurfMaster - 4 (n/a)

The top four games bounced around a lot in the voting before settling in to its three-way tie. Actually, in the original vote, TtD had a big lead on the other two, so it's fallen back quite a lot, despite its continued popularity. I am a bit surprised that Elfenland continues to be well ranked; I thought it might be the game to be replaced by Tichu this time around.

So that finishes up the Meeples Choice Award voting for the year, together with the retrospectives. I look forward to doing the same thing again next year. Thanks again to everyone who participated for making this a great experience!

Clay Blankenship clay.blankenship@gmail.com [spielfrieks]
2018-08-17 17:58:25 UTC
A three-way tie? That's got to be a first.
Jacob Lee jacobjslee@gmail.com [spielfrieks]
2018-08-20 03:00:45 UTC
Thanks for setting this up, Larry! I think 20 years is enough time for me
to know my preferences for those games won't change. I don't go seeking
older games (not 20 years old games anyway) so the titles I am unfamiliar
with will remain unknown to me for . . . ever, I suppose.

If the results of the vote were to completely blindside me then I may want
to check out a game everyone likes that I know nothing about. Didn't
happen this time, though.

Post by Clay Blankenship ***@gmail.com [spielfrieks]
A three-way tie? That's got to be a first.
otha62@yahoo.com [spielfrieks]
2018-08-23 16:03:45 UTC
Haven't been on in a while...I would've broken this tie had I been though. Elfenland was the game that introduced me into the world of "German games" as they were called back then. Still love to play it whenever I get the chance...