[spielfrieks] Voting for the 2007 Retrospective is Open!
Doug Orleans dougorleans@gmail.com [spielfrieks]
2017-08-02 16:57:03 UTC
Maybe it's too late now, but isn't Ticket to Ride Switzerland an expansion?
It doesn't come with trains & cards (unlike Nordic Countries).

So we're set to vote for 2007...again! Go to http://meepleschoice.win/ and
click on the Vote button to participate. There are 29 games listed and you
get to choose 3 or fewer, same as usual. I'll shut things down next Monday
and we'll see how our tastes have changed over the last 10 years!
Jacob Lee jacobjslee@gmail.com [spielfrieks]
2017-08-02 17:09:37 UTC
Ah, 2007 . . . a golden year for board gaming!

Post by Doug Orleans ***@gmail.com [spielfrieks]
Maybe it's too late now, but isn't Ticket to Ride Switzerland an
expansion? It doesn't come with trains & cards (unlike Nordic Countries).
So we're set to vote for 2007...again! Go to http://meepleschoice.win/ and
click on the Vote button to participate. There are 29 games listed and you
get to choose 3 or fewer, same as usual. I'll shut things down next Monday
and we'll see how our tastes have changed over the last 10 years!
Jimmy Okolica bflydad@yahoo.com [spielfrieks]
2017-08-03 15:07:00 UTC
I did a personal "Game of the Year" from '93 to the present a couple of years ago.  There were only four years where I couldn't narrow it down to only one (and two where I couldn't widen it up to find even one).  Of those four years, twice I got it down to two.  The other 2 years were 2010 and 2007.  
2007 had 5(!) "game of the year" for me and even going back, I can't narrow it down.  Fortunately, Napoleon's Triumph didn't make the list (and I don't consider TtR expansions separate), so at least I'm only forced to eliminate one of my favorites (sorry, Wabash Cannonball).  

From: "Jacob Lee ***@gmail.com [spielfrieks]" <***@yahoogroups.com>
To: "***@yahoogroups.com" <***@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: [spielfrieks] Voting for the 2007 Retrospective is Open!

  Ah, 2007 . . . a golden year for board gaming!
On 2 August 2017 at 09:57, Doug Orleans ***@gmail.com [spielfrieks] <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  Maybe it's too late now, but isn't Ticket to Ride Switzerland an expansion? It doesn't come with trains & cards (unlike Nordic Countries).

On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 12:34 PM, ***@comcast.net [spielfrieks] <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

So we're set to vote for 2007...again!  Go to http://meepleschoice.win/ and click on the Vote button to participate.  There are 29 games listed and you get to choose 3 or fewer, same as usual.  I'll shut things down next Monday and we'll see how our tastes have changed over the last 10 years!

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huzonfirst@comcast.net [spielfrieks]
2017-08-03 16:53:20 UTC
2007 was good for me, but nowhere close to being my favorite year for gaming. My top years have been 2011, 2015, and 2004. I should probably also include 1999, since there were far fewer games released then than in later years, but it still featured some fabulous titles. '07 doesn't quite stack up to those years.

huzonfirst@comcast.net [spielfrieks]
2017-08-07 14:45:00 UTC
Okay, I’ve shut down the 2007 Retrospective. 56 people voted, so we’re still getting good participation. Unsurprisingly, given the dominance of the games at the top, there was very little change in our views for the year. Here’s the top 10, with the vote totals listed, along with the game’s original rank in parentheses, and n/a indicating that the game wasn’t originally nominated:

1. Agricola – 28 (2)
2. Race for the Galaxy – 25 (1)
3. Brass – 21 (3)
4. Thebes – 15 (4)
5. Galaxy Trucker – 13 (7)
6. Notre Dame – 10 (5)
7. In the Year of the Dragon – 8 (8)
8. Vikings – 7 (14)
9. Biblios – 6 (n/a)
10. Phoenicia – 5 (12)
10. Zooloretto – 5 (13)

Agricola and Race switched places, but there are still three dominant games for the year and overall, the top 10 remained very stable. The biggest change is that Biblios burst into the top group. Another game that was originally unnominated, Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries, also did well, finishing 12th with 4 votes. For me, the big news is that two games that finished in the top 10 in the original election, 1960 and Kingsburg, fell off dramatically, with only 1 vote apiece. I guess Kingsburg’s topple isn’t too shocking, since even back in 2007, there was some dissatisfaction with the duration, and there are now a ton of good dice-based games for folks to play. But I wouldn’t have thought that 1960 would have dropped so much. OTOH, I can’t remember the last time I saw a session report for it, so maybe it’s just a game that has slowly been forgotten over the last ten years.

You can check out how each game did, together with who voted for them, on the app. 6 of the 29 nominated games got shut out: Amyitis, Caylus Magna Carta, Felix, King of Siam, TZAAR, and Uptown.

Any thoughts about the results? Were you more surprised at how things turned out than I was?

Ravindra Prasad rprasadusa@gmail.com [spielfrieks]
2017-08-07 16:37:13 UTC
Seems about right! TZAAR and Uptown were, I think, solid games but just not good enough to be top 3 in light of the competition!

Sent from my iPhone
Post by ***@comcast.net [spielfrieks]
1. Agricola – 28 (2)
2. Race for the Galaxy – 25 (1)
3. Brass – 21 (3)
4. Thebes – 15 (4)
5. Galaxy Trucker – 13 (7)
6. Notre Dame – 10 (5)
7. In the Year of the Dragon – 8 (8)
8. Vikings – 7 (14)
9. Biblios – 6 (n/a)
10. Phoenicia – 5 (12)
10. Zooloretto – 5 (13)
Agricola and Race switched places, but there are still three dominant games for the year and overall, the top 10 remained very stable. The biggest change is that Biblios burst into the top group. Another game that was originally unnominated, Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries, also did well, finishing 12th with 4 votes. For me, the big news is that two games that finished in the top 10 in the original election, 1960 and Kingsburg, fell off dramatically, with only 1 vote apiece. I guess Kingsburg’s topple isn’t too shocking, since even back in 2007, there was some dissatisfaction with the duration, and there are now a ton of good dice-based games for folks to play. But I wouldn’t have thought that 1960 would have dropped so much. OTOH, I can’t remember the last time I saw a session report for it, so maybe it’s just a game that has slowly been forgotten over the last ten years.
You can check out how each game did, together with who voted for them, on the app. 6 of the 29 nominated games got shut out: Amyitis, Caylus Magna Carta, Felix, King of Siam, TZAAR, and Uptown.
Any thoughts about the results? Were you more surprised at how things turned out than I was?
huzonfirst@comcast.net [spielfrieks]
2017-08-02 17:11:34 UTC
It is, Doug, but we've always viewed the TtR spinoffs as more new games than expansions, since the gameplay in each one changes so much (and the components used from the original game are so basic). At any rate, Switzerland was one of the nominated games in 2007, so we're just going with the ruling at the time. But I'm actually in favor of us continuing to consider all of the TtR games to be new titles, even if that isn't always technically the case.

'Sharon Khan' sharon.khan@zen.co.uk [spielfrieks]
2017-08-03 06:32:04 UTC
2007 was a good year – there were way more than 3 I wanted to vote for!


From: ***@yahoogroups.com [mailto:***@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: 02 August 2017 17:35
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [spielfrieks] Voting for the 2007 Retrospective is Open!

So we're set to vote for 2007...again! Go to http://meepleschoice.win/ and click on the Vote button to participate. There are 29 games listed and you get to choose 3 or fewer, same as usual. I'll shut things down next Monday and we'll see how our tastes have changed over the last 10 years!

Continue reading on narkive: